Trondheim Film Society :: Appreciation of 21.01.92
Trondheim Film Society is an independent, non-political and non-commercial organisation. The purpose of the Film Society is to screen quality features and spread knowledge about film as art and popular culture. Trondheim Film Society has between 1400 and 2000 paying members and is associated with The Norwegian Federation of Film Societies.
During the last six years Trondheim Film Society has expanded its activities tremendously. These days we screen feature film three times a week, approximately 40 features each semester. Between 10 to 15 are imported by the society. Each year we also arrange the short film festival Minimalen.
The greatest improvement has been within the presentation of our screenings. Our periodical which earlier was cut by hand, pasted and copied has become a modern and professional magazine made with advanced computer technology. We dare say we've been trend leading in this respect.
Åge Utnes was member of the board of Trondheim Film Society from 31.5.89 to 21.1.92. In addition to regular obligations he was responsible for our magazine. Along with preparing writing, proofreading and editing text, he was personally accountable for layout and expenses for the magazine and other PR-material. He has contributed greatly to the professional look that we have been aiming at for years.
Åge Utnes has carried out tasks with good heart, great willingness and exceptional inclination to hard work.
O. L., M. M. and I.M. N., members of the board
Quite an educational period with a lot of work on texts and layout. In 1989 we reorganised the production of PR-material from manual setting of text and pictures to handling the material electronically. These rearrangements provided knowledge of both old and new technologies. The production gave insight into graphical work and network experience with layout, computer and print shop people as well as artists. During my years we made eight magazines with approximately 250 pages of trendsetting layout, pluss posters and other PR-material.
We also arranged an animation film festival screening examples from the whole genre and its history. We got hold of some of the best in "classic" and new electronic animation. It was quite good fun to negotiate with directors and copyright holders to obtain permission to screen the works.
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