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Norwegian Media and Communication Researchers :: References of 03.03.99

In 1993 Norwegian Media and Communication Researchers hosted the 11th Nordic Conference on Media and Communication Research in Trondheim. The undersigned was member of the organising committee, and got in touch with Åge Utnes to have a logo for the conference made. Utnes was recommended by Trondheim Film Society where he in a number of connections had had responsibility for layout and graphic profiling.

We requested a striking logo to mark the conference. The shaping of the logo should be done in such a way that it could be used on large and small posters and papers. It was also to be printed on programmes and T-shirts. As regards contents the logo should express central aspects of the conference. Utnes provided a suggestion which worked for all, and we got words of praise for the logo by the participants of the conference.

I got to know Åge Utnes as a pleasant partner in co-operation and dicussion, and I am pleased to give him full marks for that and my warm recommendations.

K. S., Professor at the Department of Art and Media Studies and Pro-Rector at the NTNU


I did a meta-logo with references to a highly profiled advertisement for a new television station and Peter Seller's one-liner "I Like to Watch," from the movie 'Being There' by director Hal Ashby, 1979. The logo was formed as four icons on an old-fasioned telly. On the screen one could read the opening words of Habermas' "Theorie des kommunikativen Handelns"...

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* The city is never far away, but I prefer to dwell in the countryside

Working for people with a lot of knowledge was challenging! (Fortunately, I got to work in a similar environment some years later at Svalbard.)

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